


Coffee bar, coffee house or coffee shop?

If you are looking for a nice place to drink coffee in The Netherlands, ask for a coffee bar. A coffee house is often confused with a coffee shop and the latter is a place where you can buy soft drugs like marijuana and weed. If you are looking for…



Het is nog vroeg als mijn mond zich openspert om een heerlijke lange gaap binnen te laten. Of gaat ‘ie er uit? Terwijl ik me dat bedenk, kijkt Miley Cyrus me recht in de ogen. Het is natuurlijk niet echt Miley Cyrus, want die zit nooit in een voorbijrijdende RET-tram….

English posts HAPPY STUFF Inspiratie

Make the best coffee, anywhere!

It doesn’t matter where you are in the world, a sunrise is beautiful anywhere. But to me, the best ones are those that are enjoyed with a very good cup of coffee. But somehow it seems an impossible combination. With the Handpresso that problem is solved for good!

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